Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Evans Bukuku:

Just a couple of years ago, stand-up comedy were not very popular in Tanzania. In fact, it was almost non-existing. If it was, then it was done in very informal settings such as in the streets or local bars and not so much in prearranged settings whereby the audiences are well seated and eagerly waiting to be entertained and laugh to the point of shedding those tears of a good laugh. I am talking about the laugh that makes your entire body vibrate like a Samsung’s hand held gadget!

However, the above scenario of lack of organized stand-ups is changing or has changed. Thanks to one man who, according to his own words, he is almost on a “crusade” to change how and where we can go and have a good laugh. His name is Evans Bukuku.

He is now, by far, the new face or our own definition of Stand-Up comedy in Tanzania. He is best known for his once a month(every last Tuesday of the Month) smart and hilarious stand-up comedy routines  that features him making funny of almost everything in simple and  unique ways that makes everyone in the audience laugh hard (and I mean real hard).

He is also gifted with using a plethora of different voice impressions from the Jaluo, Sukuma, Chagga and you name it…all in the name of bringing real entertainment to his audience.For More Click Here....>.>>>>>>

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